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Coaching with Josie offers a transformative journey towards personal growth, health and feminine empowerment. Josie's expertise on the feminine body and compassionate guidance, create a supportive environment where you can explore your desires, blocks, and personal aspirations with clarity and confidence.


Whether you want to heal your pesky period symptoms, release trauma from your womb, learn cycle tracking, sacred sexuality or just generally deepen into your connection & understanding of your feminine body and sacred womb space, then 1:1 coaching is for you!


Josie's coaching empowers you to unlock your full potential and live a deeper, more fulfilling life as a womban. With Womb Healing & Feminine Embodiment Coaching, you're not just embarking on a coaching experience; you're embarking on a path towards greater self-love, awareness, resilience, and joy.

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  1:1 with Josie Thorne  

Are you ready to experience the bliss & deeply grounded self confidence of a healed & open womb space?

I work with young women who are ready to heal their lack of confidence, reconnect to their body & deepen intimacy with pleasure & sexuality through the sacred womb space.


Womb Healing

For the woman who's ready to heal her relationship with her womb space & menstrual cycle - this means no more pesky PMS or mood swings, no more cramps & more dreading that time of the month! I also help women get their natural cycle back after coming off hormonal birth control.

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Feminine Embodiment Life Coaching

For the woman who's ready to heal her relationship with her body, pussy, womb space, sex & creativity. We focus on all things womb healing, polarity, feminine energy, self pleasure, manifestation, meditation, body love, inner child healing, mindset work, nervous system regulation & nutrition/gut health. 

For the woman who's ready to heal her relationship with her womb space & to learn to love her menstrual cycle!

What is your relationship to your womb?
 Are you connected to her power? In awe of her divine abilities…Or do you feel disconnected from her pulse, & live in hatred every time you menstruate…?

The sad thing is that, the more you hate your cycle the worse you will struggle with cramps & hormonal challenges around your period!


The more disconnected you are from your sacred womb space, the more you will struggle to connect sexually to yourself, & with a partner. Which means you will be less likely to get turned on & dripping wet, & the less likely you will have deep internal orgasms.

The womb is the creative power house of the body, & if your energy has been disconnected from it, ie there’s stagnant old emotions/wounding stored in your womb, a lot of connections to the organic sensual & sexual self are disrupted from coming fully online.

This is something that I’m determined to help people who bleed change & shift, so that they may start to love their cycle & find deep solace in their womb space.

Let me help you heal & awaken your womb power, so that you may FEEL her pleasure & listen to the deep whispers of her divine guidance.

I’ve seen this shift take place in my own body & in my personal relationship to my cycle, where I now LOVE my womb & deeply honour my menstruation.

Through activating my personal womb wisdom I’ve been able to:

  • Naturally balance my hormones

  • Heal my PMS & mood swings

  • Release tension so that I no longer get period cramps

  • Remove shame related to my period & sexuality

  • Heal deep collective wounds related to the feminine

  • Activate my organic & raw sexual expression

  • Deepen my orgasmic potential & experience full body orgasms

  • Commune with my own source of divine feminine energy 


Do you desire this level of freedom within your body & womb?

Book a free Discovery Call to chat with me further about your womb healing journey & which package is best for you!
Once you have booked your discovery call, please complete my application form below to tell me more about yourself & your relationship to your womb
And then when you are ready, you may book your first session
Womb Healing

How does it work?

  • 6 sessions, 6 weeks, 1 session per week

  • 90min sessions via Zoom

  • Practical homework exercises + pdf/mp3/mp4 resources

  • 6 weeks of voice & text support via WhatsApp/Telegram [24/7]

  • Payment Plan: €85/R1k x6 payments, once weekly

  • PIF: €444/R5k total (€66/R1k discount)

Embodiment Life Coaching
For the woman who's ready to heal her relationship with her body, let go of limiting beliefs, move beyond self-doubt & expand into limitless pleasure & self-love!

A lot of people are resistant to go deep

Deep into their shadows. Deep into understanding their trauma. Deep into knowing their wounding.

Which at the SAME TIME also translates as being resistant to go:

Deep into embracing their desires. Deep into exploring their pleasure. Deep into vulnerability in relationships. Deep into the sauce of life, which holds both dark & light, pleasure & pain.

Which inevitably creates a very shallow life. 
A shallow connection to self, to the other, to sex, to feeling, to knowing, to living...

The depth is where is the real juicy gems of life exist.
The mouth watering sensations...
The heart aching longing...
The passionate creating...
The multidimensional knowing...
The open hearted loving...
The dripping wetness of open hearted, opened womb pleasure...

Don’t get me wrong, living this kind of fully present, fully devoted, fully passionate life isn’t easy. It’s pretty challenging in the beginning. Especially when you start “doing the work” it can feel like all shadow no light. 

But the consistent dedication & devotion to living a fully expressed, fully turned on, fully lucid life is what will help you stay focused & exit the wound cycles, trauma loops & self sabotaging behaviour.

You have to clear the dense, sticky mud before you can swim in the clear, fresh waters.

And if you’re dedicated, you will get there. And you will find beauty in the pain, comfort in the unknown, & expanded longing & loving in the heartbreak.

Seeing your multidimensional self in all your glory. Because we can’t have light without dark, or pleasure without pain. 

But it’s fucking worth it.
To feel SO alive, SO in love, SO turned on, SO wet & SO attracted to the person you know you are becoming.

Let me help you heal & activate your Divine Feminine Energy so that you may learn to embody your desires, manifest your dreams & deeply love & care for yourself.

I’ve seen this shift take place in my own body & mind through activating my personal Divine Feminine Energy I’ve been able to:

  • Heal my relationship to my body

  • Quieten my inner critic & ego

  • Release all limiting beliefs & self doubt

  • Activate & learn to trust my intuition

  • Hear guidance from my higher self - loud & clear!

  • Deeply feel & process all pain & grief so that I may let it go

  • Learn to understand & regulate my nervous system

  • Activate my throat chakra & voice so I may always speak my truth

  • Learn how to consciously communicate with patience & love

  • Release personal & collective shame & trauma from my body so that I may open my heart & womb to feeling deep love & pleasure!


Do you desire to liberate your mind, body & soul from the limiting constructs of this world?

Book a free Discovery Call to chat with me further about your healing & embodiment journey!
Once you have booked your discovery call, please complete my application form below to tell me more about yourself & your relationship to your womb
And then when you are ready, you may book your first session
  • Available Online

    A personalised 3 month deep dive into your feminine embodiment & womb ...

    Read More

    1 hr 30 min

    80 euros

How will it work?

  • 12 sessions, 3 months, 1 session per week

  • 90min sessions via Zoom

  • Automatically enrolled in my 6 week signature program Liberated Womb & joins the next live round

  • 3 months of voice & text support via WhatsApp/Telegram​ [24/7]

  • Payment Plan: €320/R3200 x3 monthly payments

  • PIF: €888/R8k total (€72/R1.6k discount)


Not fully ready yet, to commit to a coaching package?

You can now book a once off 2hr 1:1 coaching appointment with me for only €111/R1111
This 2 hour session is specifically tailored towards your situation & personal circumstances. We work together to understand your unique energy & I support you in healing any blocks or challenges you may be currently facing. In these sessions we dive deep into your body, mind & soul helping you create alignment from deep within. I use & give you access to all the tools that have helped me to heal & become the woman I am today. These sessions are for any woman wanting to gain clarity, address a specific issue, or just feel supported in her challenges & life decisions, without the commitment of purchasing a full coaching package.

How will it work?

  • One once off session for 2 hour

  • Sessions via zoom or in person (Berlin/Cape Town only)

  • Practical homework exercises + resources for integration

  • 24hrs of voice & text support via WhatsApp or Telegram​

  • €111/R1111 per 2 hour session

  • Payment in full, per session

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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  • Apple Podcast
  • Spotify
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