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  • Writer's pictureJosie Thorne

Hello & Welcome to the Sync-In Flow Blog

Updated: Sep 4, 2022

I am so excited to be launching the Sync-In Flow Blog! This blog post is the first of many more to come on all things spirituality, health, wellness & personal development...

If you do not know me, allow me to introduce myself....

My name is Josie Thorne

and I am the founder of Sync-In Flow and a Red Tent Women’s Circle Facilitator.

This brand is an extension of my highest vision and mission on this planet!

Welcome to this community of love, gratitude, support & sisterhood...welcome to the place where you can gently connect to your intuition and SYNC-IN to your body’s natural energetic feminine FLOW...

I will help you to connect with your highest self & show you practical ways to embrace your Divine Feminine energy. I can show you how to heal your relationship to your womb, experience pain-free periods & feel the effortless pleasure of living in alignment with your true power as a woman.

SYNC-IN FLOW is a community based brand that empowers all women to connect to their raw, wild feminine, instinctual knowledge that is sourced from bodily intuition & ritual based practices. When we understand that the divine design of life is cyclic, we can harness the power of the cycles in support of our personal growth.

Sync-In Flow empowers women to connect back to the wisdom of their menstrual & hormonal cycles & sacred womb space, so that they may re-awaken to the true power of the feminine & create a legacy for their future daughters where they are held in conscious community by a circle of women through trust, support & sacred sisterhood.

When women gather in sacred circle there is collective power to heal, find our voice, rise up & make a difference in our communities. I have developed a circle support structure inspired by the teachings of The Red Tent Movement that provides a safe space for women to trust, love, dream & share.

These spaces empower women to learn about their natural cycles & connect back to themselves through ancient wisdom, body-based practices, meditations & rituals, breathwork & yoga

Full Moon Red Tent Women's Circles

We use the structure & teachings of Red Tent to create our Sacred Women’s Circles. Red Tent offers a safe space to be with other women, as witness and support, in owning, healing & transforming wounds of betrayal & mistrust that have developed because of patriarchal control.

In order to fully open our hearts & wombs, to participate in honest, vulnerable & sacred connection, we need to feel safe & restored to fully trust in sisterhood again. By holding space for these wounds to be shared openly & without shame, healed and forgiven. Women’s Circles can be truly loving, nurturing & nourishing spaces sourced from the overflow of inner trust, raw vulnerability, feminine connection & unique womb wisdom that each of us bring in our own unique way.

These circles are about sharing with you the embodied codes to help you shift your reality, connect to your deepest soul essence & create lasting change, abundance & health into your life. Join us for a fun evening to sync-back-in-flow with yourself & divine sisterhood; to laugh & connect! Discover your inner power & connect bak to your natural cycles through ancient womb wisdom, body-based practices, meditations & rituals.

For now these circles are only happening in as in-person ceremonies Cape Town South Africa. See upcoming events here

Learn About Our Offerings

Sync-In Flow has a variety of services based offerings for women; aimed at encouraging deeper self connection, self-mastery & self-love.

1. Events:

  • Women's Circles

  • 1-day events

  • Retreats

2. Self Development Courses

  • Self-paced, pre-recorded

  • Live group coaching containers

You can find out everything you need to know about the courses here

3. 1:1 Coaching

  • 1:1 Womb Healing (1 month container)

  • 1:1 Feminine Embodiment Coaching (1-3 month containers)

  • 1:1 Two Hour Intensive

You can find out everything you need to know about 1:1 work here

If any of the above interests you; I invite you to book a free 30 minute discovery call with me to dive deeper into how I can support your next evolution of self, body & soul.

My hope is for you to find a safe space within all that Sync-In Flow offers, for you to come home to the true essence that is you and remember the power that is stored within the very fabric of your body; yoni, womb & heart.

I have so many exciting offerings & events planned for the future, including the release of a podcast!!

Please follow the Sync-In Flow journey to stay updated with all future launches & releases!

You can sign up for our newsletter here. Subscribers receive exclusive access, discount codes, free content such as meditations and so much more!


You made it all the way to the end of our first blog post, yay babe thank you for being here!!

To show my gratitude, here is a secret discount code for you to get R1000 off ($58) from our debut self-paced course, Root & Reboot, which is all about healing the Root Chakra & relationship to the physical body. Learn more about the course here.

Use discount code: IAMROOTED & enter it when you sign up to enrol.

Thank you for being here ❤️ I look forward to connecting again soon

Love Josie xoxo

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